Praise the porridge

Well, the title of this article already says it all! Let’s praise the porridge! Our start was rather bumpy but in the end soaked oats persuaded me! I used to think that porridge was made for old people with dental prosthesis and overall just lame … it is literally just hot oats! Then I had the revelation: porridge is only as good as your choice of toppings are!

greentrees-3 - praise the porridge - Greentrees the Juicery

Most of us now know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day so we should all make it worth it with a little bit of porridge power! Since nothing says “good morning” like a warm bowl of porridge, right? Even though it’s basically just oatmeal that has been cooked until a thick consistency is reached. I specifically like to use coconut milk for my porridge but you can also add in chocolate and almond milk or any other kind of liquid. The bottom line is that if you’re not eating oatmeal for breakfast, you’re probably missing out on a delicious way to add fiber and nutrients to your body first thing in the morning! Due it’s great source of fiber porridge is pretty high in volume and always keeps me super full for a long time! Eating porridge for breakfast also starts your metabolism and improves the energy levels so put the donut down girl and get your oats soaking! Because at the  bottom of every warm bowl of porridge is a happy and satisfied stomach.

greentrees-2 - praise the porridge - Greentrees the Juicery
As I said porridge is only as good as your choice of toppings. So it is only up to you to make your porridge rock! Add chia seeds, douse it in cinnamon and pour in a dollop of maple syrup or combine fruits and nuts with your oats while they’re cooking to supplement it with even more nutrients. Spices like cinnamon or vanilla will give your porridge the last flavorful kick! But trust me when I say bananas and apples are the move topping wise!
greentrees-4_bearbeitet-2 - Greentrees the Juicery
Greentrees the Juicery, Münsterstraße 149 Düsseldorf
I recently tried a totally new variation of porridge at Greentrees the Juicery with peanut butter, coconut grilled banana and walnuts a sweet dream and pure heaven for every peanut lover out there! As you see the variations are endless so be experimental, in most cases it will turn out great! If you want to try out some of my favorite porridges at home I can highly recommend the WYLD Bio Chia Porridge Mango & Goji as well as the OatMeal Blueberry! They are both super easy to prepare and full of nutrients.


  1. October 18, 2016 / 00:02

    Hach, das sieht so herrlich lecker aus! Würde ich direkt jetzt nehmen 🙂 Ich liebe ja Erdmandelmus und Kokosblütensirup als Topping, im Sommer gerne noch etwas Mango oder Kokos 🙂

    Melia Beli

  2. November 5, 2016 / 23:29

    Hallo liebe Melia! Kokosblütensirup habe ich ehrlich gesagt noch nie ausprobiert aber das werde ich dann bald mal ändern! Mango und Kokos machen wirklich jeden Porridge himmlisch!

    Liebe Grüße

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