More Sushi less problems

The day has come and I’m finally going to share one of my biggest secrets with you! For years I’ve been on the mission to find the best place to eat sushi in my area and now I can proudly say I found it, where I expected it at least: in the food court of a shopping centre. I know what you are about to say, but just trust me with this one like I’m a guy named Jack holding you tight at the railing of a ship. It is the best!

Sumoshi - 2_bearbeitet-1

My sushi obsession began a few years ago after I came back from a trip to Honk Kong. Since then no week passed where not at least one maki touched my lips. Accordingly I tried out almost every sushi restaurant in Neuss and Düsseldorf. I’ve been to expensive star restaurants, small insider places and the usual all-you-can-eat restaurants. Nevertheless I always ended up being the happiest at Sumoshi in Neuss. The first sushi restaurant where the price-performance ratio is fair and where the sushi is always prepared freshly right in front of your eyes. In addition to that their menu offers a wide variety of vegetarian sushi, which I usually go for. My favorite is the veggie inside out roll, the avocado makis, and their super tasty fried rolls as well! Honestly everything they make behind the counter is delicious! But if I stop looking through my pink glasses I might have to moan that the ambiance in the shopping mall isn’t very pleasing. Indeed I can greatly ignore this fact for the best sushi ever!

Sumoshi - 1_bearbeitet-1Sumoshi - 6_bearbeitet-1Sumoshi - 7_bearbeitet-1Sumoshi - 6_bearbeitet-1Breslauer Str. 2-4, Neuss

Nevertheless my sushi rave isn’t over yet, even though I already announced the winner! Because sometimes I do want to got out into a nice restaurant, which has a pleasant atmosphere as well and invites to linger. For those occasions I can highly recommend to check out the restaurant “Sumi.” in Düsseldorf Pempelfort! The restaurant is very small and has a really stylish furniture. In addition to that the service is very courteous. The menu offers sushi variations as well as some Japanese starters and grill specialities. I usually order the dragon roll, filled with fried prawns and covered with avocado. So good! Last but not least I highly recommend to try out their dessert, the fried mango and banana with ice cream is amazing!

Sumi - 7Sumi - 1Sumi - 3_bearbeitet-1Sumi - 4Sumi - 5  Schinkelstraße 28, Düsseldorf




  1. Patty
    February 4, 2017 / 17:13

    Oh sieht das gut aus. Ich muss zugeben ich bin ein absoluter Sushi-Lover und könnte ungelogen tagtäglich Sushi essen.
    Deshalb würde ich auch zu gerne mal nach Japan Reisen 🙂 Bei mir in Frankfurt bin ich auch immer auf der Suche nach
    tollen Sushi-Restaurants und habe schon das ein oder andere gefunden 🙂

    Liebe Grüße
    Measlychocolate by Patty
    Measlychocolate now also on Facebook

  2. Amy Bazan
    February 6, 2017 / 22:50

    I’m obsessed with sushi too! Those restaurants looks soo delicious! Now I have to get up an eat, haha!

    Best wishes

  3. February 7, 2017 / 22:25

    Hey Amy! I know exactly what you are talking about!

  4. February 7, 2017 / 22:28

    Hallo liebe Patty! Da geht es mir genauso wie dir, am besten wäre Sushi morgens, mittags und abends!:)
    Wenn ich mal nach Frankfurt komme werde ich mir vorher auf jeden Fall ein paar Sushi Empfehlungen bei dir abholen!

    Liebe Grüße

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